Identity Theft: A Homeowner’s Nightmare


When Ayako got the first call from the bank, she thought it was a prank. They were threatening to take her home if she didn’t make her mortgage payments. But she had lived there for over 10 years, and had been making all her payments on time. After several more calls, she decided to investigate.

She discovered to her horror, a second mortgage on her home she had never taken out. A thief had stolen her identity and put a $320,000 mortgage on her home, made payments for a year and then stopped. By the time Ayako put everything together, the bank had already served her a foreclosure suit.

But Ayako’s lawyer had recommended CTIC’s title insurance when she had bought her house. We paid the legal fees, had the bank dismiss the lawsuit and had them remove the fraudulent mortgage from Ayako’s house. Luckily for the bank, they had title insurance too, so they recovered their losses as well.

Nightmare stories like Ayako’s come up every year, but they only have happy endings with the security title insurance provides. Thanks to her lawyer’s understanding of that protection, it was a nightmare she was able to wake up from.

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